Senator Lankford in The Oklahoman: TPA is good for U.S. and for Oklahoma

When we were 13 Colonies, instead of 50 States, in a document we now call the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson penned a long list of grievances against King George III, including, “cutting off our trade with all parts of the world.” Before we were a nation, we were international traders. Trade has always been […]

Senator Lankford in Fox News: A second chance to get America’s health care right

Health care reform has dominated our nation’s political and social conversations for the past six years. After the implementation of ObamaCare, it is clear the law brought radical change and real pain to our nation’s families, economy, and health care system. The promised “affordable health care fix” made things worse.  The pending King v. Burwell […]

Senator Lankford on What Sustainability and Religious Freedom Have in Common

Avid Chipotle customers seeking carnitas burritos for dinner may be disappointed over the coming weeks. The restaurant giant is reportedly no longer serving pork at about a third of its locations after it dropped a pork supplier that failed to live up to the corporation’s standards of humane animal care. Despite the possibility that Chipotle’s […]

Senator Lankford in Tulsa World: Obama’s Budget Ignores Fiscal Realities

A government budget should demonstrate financial priorities, spending and policy to address our nation’s biggest challenges. Sadly, President Obama’s latest budget proposal demonstrates an attitude of “close enough for government work” rather than excellence and forward thinking. Over the decades, presidential budgets have become more of a campaign document than an actual budget. But, it […]